
Current pictures of our E-litter

can be found on the puppy page of our website.

E-litter von Nirvalis

On 28.05.17 our E-litter von Nirvalis was born.
We are happy about 3 brindle males and 2 brindles females.
If you are interested in a puppy, please contact us.

P-litter von Jahwe (D)

The P-litter von Jahwe (D), mother Sambuca Glogosia, has been registered
withoult any faults.

Champion of Czechia

Camus von Nirvalis was awarded with the title Champion of Czechia.

International Show Prague

Camus von Nirvalis
working class Ex1 + CAC ( judge J.Suchy )
Now he meets all conditions for Champion of Czechia.

Puppies of Camus in kennel Jahwe (Germany)

On 11.10.2015 were born 4 brindle males and 1 brindle female in kennel von Jahwe, Germany. Fotos in the age of 3 to 4 weeks:

Campionato dell'anno Italia 2015

Camus von Nirvalis
champion class Ex1 ( judge F.Censi )
A wonderful weekend with Centurioni family:

Puppies of Birke von Nirvalis

Kennel Bicadara's got puppies of Birke von Nirvalis & Garrett Shucky.
Fotos in the age of 3 weeks:

Special show Lörrach

Camus von Nirvalis champion class
Ex1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH) ( judge R.Bebber )

Mating of Camus in kennel Jahwe (Germany)

On 09.08.2015 Sambuca Glogosiea, kennel von Jahwe (Germany)
has been mated to Camus.

Deutscher Champion (VDH)

Camus von Nirvalis was awarded with the title Deutscher Champion (VDH).

IPO1 for Camus

On 01.05.2015 Camus von Nirvalis passed together with his handler Erich Ullrich
at BK Wurzen the IPO1 (TSB a) test successfully ( judge M.Felber ).

Double IHA Wels/A

Day 1: Camus von Nirvalis
Open class V1 + CACA ( judge O. Erat )
Day 1: Cappucchino von Nirvalis
Open class V1 + CACA ( judge O. Erat )
Day 2: Camus von Nirvalis
Open class V1 + CACA + Res.CACIB
( judge A. Bogucka )

Successful BH test

Camus von Nirvalis passed together with his handler Erich Ullrich the BH test at SV OG Kitzingen (Judge G.Ernst).

Camus passed german ZTP

On 15.11.2014 Camus von Nirvalis successfully passed in Pilsting the ZTP (BK München) with excellent bite work and a perfect description by judge Toni Piasentin.

Description of character:
"Bei allen Kampfhandlungen kompromissloser Anbiss bei voller Belastung."
Triebstärke ausgeprägt / Mut ausgeprägt / Belastbarkeit sehr gut /
Wesen selbstbewußt / schußgleichgültig

Beetje becomes VDH Bundessiegerin 2014

Our Beetje von Nirvalis got Excellent 1 + double CAC in working class at
Bundessieger-Ausstellung Dortmund ( Judge B. Spelsberg) and has been
homolagated to the title "VDH Bundessiegerin 2014".

Special show Ahlen

Camus von Nirvalis intermediate class
Ex1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH) ( judge T. Piasentin )

Annual winner show BK München

Camus von Nirvalis intermediate class Ex1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH) ( judge W. Fiechter )

Annual winner show Czechia

Camus von Nirvalis intermediate class Ex1 + CAC ( judge J. Pocas )
Beetje von Nirvalis champion class Ex2 + R-CAC ( judge M. Torrents )
Avid von Nirvalis champion class Ex3 ( judge J. Pocas )

Annual winner show Switzerland

Camus von Nirvalis intermediate class Ex1 + CAC ( judge G. Hufschmid )
Beetje von Nirvalis champion class Ex2 + R-CAC ( judge D. Furlani )

Special Show Hanau

We had a very nice and successful day at the Special Show Hanau:
Daylight von Nirvalis puppy class vp2
David von Nirvalis puppy class vp2
Demian von Nirvalis puppy class vp3
Cappucchino von Nirvalis intermediate class Ex1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH)
Birke von Nirvalis working class Ex2 + Res. Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH)
Beetje von Nirvalis champion class Ex1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH)

We also showed a progeny group of Elodi dei Centurioni with 8 children out of 4 litters of 4 different fathers, which was judged as "excellent".

Thanks to the Elodi children Avid, Birke, Beetje, Caramel, Cappucchino, Camus, Daylight, David & Demian and their families for this wonderful day !

IPO1 for Beetje

On 20.07.14 our Beetje von Nirvalis passed successfully IPO1 at BK Sulmtal
( judge U. Horst ).

Avid and his grand grandfather

Avid von Nirvalis und sein Ur-Großvater Ullrich vom Kiliansblick

Europasieger Show Dortmund

We are happy about a successfull Europasieger Show:

Camus von Nirvalis Intermediate Class Excellent 1 + double Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH)
Beetje von Nirvalis Working Class Excellent 1 + double Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH)

Beetje now has got 10 times Excellent 1 + Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH) in a row.
With this Camus has already been awarded 3 times for Dt.Champ.(VDH) in the age of only 17 months.

Nirvalis-Boxer at the show Mühldorf/Inn

And again a very succesfull day for our kennel "von Nirvalis" at the Special Show Mühldorf/Inn:

Camus von Nirvalis Intermediate Class Excellent 1 + Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH)
Cappucchino von Nirvalis Intermediate Class Excellent 1 + Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH)
Beetje von Nirvalis Working Class Excellent 1 + Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH)
Avid von Nirvalis Champion Class Excellent 3

With this 9. Excellent 1 + Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH) in a row, our Beetje von Nirvalis finished the title Deutscher Champion (VDH) in the age of less than 2 1/2 years.

C-litter in the age 0f 17 months

Father: Urosch von der Burg Singidunum
Mother: Elodi dei Centurioni

Nirvalis-Boxer at the show Oberstenfeld

A very succesfull day for our kennel "von Nirvalis" at the Special Show Oberstenfeld:

Daylight von Nirvalis Baby Class very promising 1
Demian von Nirvalis Baby Class very promising 2
Birthe von Nirvalis Open Class Excellent 1 + Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH)
Beetje von Nirvalis Working Class Excellent 1 + Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH)
Avid von Nirvalis Champion Class Excellent 1 + Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH)

Our Beetje has got now 8 times in a row V1 plus Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH).

Successfull start into the working season

On 18.04.14 Camus von Nirvalis passed successfully the AD test ( Judge B. Spelsberg ).

Camus in the age of 16 months

Successfull start into the show season

Our Beetje von Nirvalis got at Special Boxer Show Bergstrasse by judge U. Heidelberg in working class now 7 times in a row V1 plus Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH).

MCh Karlino v. Henneberger Schloss

Although we knew that the night will come soon,
we were shocked when it was suddenly dark.

06.01.2001 - 06.02.2014
MCh Karlino vom Henneberger Schloss

Happy 13. birthday !

On 06.01.14 our Karlino celebrated his 13. birthday !
Karlino's kaleidoscope:

D-litter von Nirvalis

On 21.12. our D-litter of MCh. Zucchero Nostrum and MCh. Elodi dei Centurioni was born.
We are happy about 2 fawn males, 1 brindle male and 2 fawn females, all with small white markings.

6 x V1 and again CACIB

Our Beetje von Nirvalis got at IRAS Kassel in working class again V1 plus Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH). Additionally she was again awarded by judge U. Heidelberg to CACIB.

So after 6 times in a row V1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH) by 6 different judges, 2 CACIB, good health results, AD, ZTP, BH and IPO-VO we'll take a winter break.

Spondylosis results

Beetje and her two littermates Birke and Birthe got the result "spondylosis 0".

Heart test

Camus von Nirvalis got the result "heart 0".

Camus is celebrating his 1. birthday

5 x V1 and a CACIB

Our Beetje von Nirvalis got at IRAS Karlsruhe in working class now 5 times in a row V1 plus Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH). Additionally she was awarded by judge B.Jodl to CACIB.

Beetje again successfully

On 26.10.2013 our Beetje von Nirvalis passed successfully ZTP and AD at Boxer-Klub Würzburg.

On the following day she got V1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH) in working class at the Special Show Rüsselsheim. Judge was Brigitte Müller.

New mating: Elodi x Zucchero

On Christmas MCh Elodi dei Centurioni is expecting puppies of MCh Zucchero Norstrum.

All further informations you can find on our puppy page.
Please contact us if you are interested in a puppy.

Jahressieger BK

Camus von Nirvalis erhielt bei seiner ersten Ausstellung mit 9 Monaten in der Jugendklasse ein "sehr gut" mit einer tollen Beschreibung.
Über das gleiche Resultat freut sich Coffee von Nirvalis mit ihren glücklichen Besitzerin Ida & Kare.
Birke von Nirvalis erhielt in der Zwischenklasse ein "vorzüglich" mit einer sehr schönen Beschreibung.
Beetje von Nirvalis konnte sich in der stark besetzten Gebrauchshundeklasse als jüngste Starterin über ein *V5* freuen.

Zum Abschluss führte unsere MCh. Elodi dei Centurioni im Ehrenring eine Nachzucht-Gruppe vor, die die Bewertung "vorzüglich" erhielt

Vielen Dank an unsere Freunde mit ihren Nirvalis-Boxern, mit denen wir ein tolles & harmonisches Wochenende verbracht haben !

Show Hanau

We had a successfull weekend at the special show in Hanau:

Beetje: excellent 1 + Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH) in working class
Birke: excellent 4 in intermediate class
Birthe: excellent 2 + Res.Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH) in intermediate class
breeding group von Nirvalis: 1. Platz

At her first start in working class Beetje got now three times in a row excellent 1+ Anw.Dt.Champ. (VDH).

Avid von Nirvalis

Deutscher Champion (VDH)

IPO tests

On 14.04. Avid von Nirvalis passed the IPO 1 test successfully at BK Sulmtal.
Beetje von Nirvalis reached at the same event IPO-VO.
Judge was Gernot Walz.

Deutscher Champion (VDH)

On 18.06.13 our Avid von Nirvalis got the title "Deutscher Champion (VDH)"
in the age of only 2 1/2 years.

Camus in the age of 6 months

Avid got it :-)

Avid von Nirvalis again got V1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH) in open class at the Internat. Dog Show Dortmund. Judge was Angelika Hartmann.

So he fulfils within only one year and 4 days all requirements for the title Deutscher Champion (VDH). Avid has got 5 times in a row V1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.VDH by 5 different judges ( I.Gerwin, B.Müller, B.Jodl, U.Werner & A. Hartmann ).

Another success for Beetje

Beetje von Nirvalis again got V1 + Anw.Dt.Champ.(VDH) in intermediate class at the Internat. Dog Show Dortmund. Judge was Angelika Hartmann.

Show weekend 28.04.2013

And again a super show weekend for our kennel von Nirvalis :-)

Special show Schorndorf 28.4.13
Cappucchino von Nirvalis in baby class place 1, Judge Oliver Erat
Birthe von Nirvalis in youth class sg1 + Ju.Anw. VDH + Ju.Anw. BK, Judge Walter Fiechter
Beetje von Nirvalis in intermediate class V1 + Anw. Dt.Champ. VDH, Judge Walter Fiechter

Show weekend 21.04.2013

Super show weekend for our kennel von Nirvalis :-)

special show Augsburg 21.4.13
Cappucchino von Nirvalis in baby class place 1 and Best Baby, Judge C.Bernd
Birthe von Nirvalis in youth class sg1 + Ju.Anw. VDH + Ju.Anw. BK, Judge A.Hartmann
Beetje von Nirvalis in intermediate class V2 + Res.Anw. Dt.Champ. VDH, Judge A. Hartmann

Show Darup (DK) 20.04.13
Coffee von Nirvalis in baby class place 1 and best female of baby and puppy classes, Richterin I. Gerwin

Fotoshooting 14.04.13

Camus 4 1/2 months,
Birthe and Beetje 17 months

Beetje von Nirvalis passed BH/VT test

On 07.04.13 our Beetje von Nirvalis has passed the BH/VT test in the age of only 16 months at BK Rüsselsheim ( Judge U.Horst ) successfully.

Coffee in the age of 18 weeks

Coffee von Nirvalis *23.11.2012
in the age of 18 weeks
Urosch v.d. Burg Singidunum x Elodi dei Centurioni
Owner: Kennel Norklit, Denmark

Spondylosis result of Avid

We are happy about the official spondylosis result grade 0 of our Avid von Nirvalis
( x-ray in the age of 28 months ).

Dysplasia result of Beetje

After already having heart 0 we are happy about
the dysplasia result B1 of our Beetje von Nirvalis.

Avid von Nirvalis passed BH/VT test

On 23.03.13 our Avid von Nirvalis has passed the BH/VT test in SV OG Uffenheim ( Judge P.Dittmeier ) successfully.

Beetje in the age of 16 months

Beetje in the age of 15 months

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