On 21.12.2013 our D-litter of MCh. Zucchero Nostrum and MCh. Elodi dei Centurioni was born.
We are happy about 2 fawn males, 1 brindle male and 2 fawn females, all with small white markings.
Our D-litter has been registered withoult any faults.
All puppies have found loving families.
Click to enlarge the pedigree of the puppies.
Fotos in the age of 7,5 weeks
Fotos in the age of 7 weeks
Fotos in the age of 5 weeks
Fotos in the age of 27 days
Fotos in the age of 22 days
Fotos in the age of 11 days
Fotos in the age of 3 days
Multi-Champion Elodi dei Centurioni
Internationaler Schönheitschampion (FCI)
Deutscher Champion (VDH)
Jugend-Champion BK
Landessiegerin Thüringen 2009
Landesjugendsiegerin Bayern 2008
Jahresjüngstensiegerin (IBC) 2007
HD-B1, Hz-0, Sp-1
Multi-Champion Zucchero Nostrum
Champion Polen
Champion Litauen
Jugend-Champion Polen
ATIBOX 2013 Championklasse 1.Platz
IPO1, BH, ZTP Polen
HD-A, Hz-0, Sp-0
4101 / 1